A Lament for Baghjan

My experience of the Baghjan tragedy is like a nightmare of being there and not being there, being embodied and disembodied, real and unreal. My heartbreak is on many levels. I only just realised this as I finished writing this poem to grieve over it.

Whoever is reading this, I urge and plead you to write something of your own in honour of the ecology and biodiversity that is lost to our state in this period. Memorialise the damage, so that when the fire cools, you remember rage at what was tragically snatched from us in a trade-off of a spectre of development. Who is this development for?

Pomegranate / अनार का हिस्सा

Two poems.

इन कुचले हुए दिनों के बावजूद जो दीवानगी बनाये रखने की हिम्मत करें

Amidst these trampled times, there are some who dare keep longing alive.

Featuring, for the first time, one of my lazy sketches, a narrative self-portrait, keeping this poem in mind.


Coming to terms with stammering and recognising it, the poem explores a child’s mind and the way that speech irregularities become blurred by complexity and identity

Delhi’s Night

A poem about nighttime in Delhi and it’s spatial nuances.


Two weeks back I saw an animal His fragments lay scattered On the empty road on my way to work I imagined his passing a thousand times, Feeling his shock sharply, every time I crossed him. Every time he died. At first, I imagined him seeing the headlights of a big car and then smaller…

Self Portrait

“Why don’t you smile? Are you always so defensive?” “One moment,” I say, “please,” I step inward and tug at the voices inside me, I want one of them to answer what had been asked of us. The strongest among all reaches out and swears,  “Fuck you,” isn’t that what you’ve always neglected to hear?…


In words are all. But question, Loving, laughing, living, lying, Dying, picture flying, laughing, living, lying. Sounds. Say too many things in too little time. Obscurantism. Obfuscatory. Obtuse. Of. poularde de bresse truffee en vessie Sounds. I love you. I love you too. I promise. V for anus, A for vagina, C for male, Y…